Downloadable Forms - Monroe Legion 1

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Downloadable Forms

Rent our Hall
Need a place to have your event, such as
family reunions, a wedding reception, or graduation?
Order a Brick
Would you like to Honor the Veteranin in your life?
Purchace a Brick in their Honor to be
dislayed on the Face of the Legion Post
Become a Legionaire
Did you Serve you Country?
Continue to Serve and Honor your fellow Veterans
by joining the American Legion
Join the Auxilary
The American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest
women’s patriotic service organization whose
interests have broadened to encompass the entire community
Join the Sons of the American Legion
Not a Veteran? Did your Father or Grandfather serve?
If so, join the legion through the SAL
(Son's of the American Legion) program
Join the American Legion Riders
Do you love to ride and have a passion to Honor our Veteran's?
Flagpole and Flags for Veterans
See the Riders page for details
Iowa Girls State Application

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